NAET, Allergy Elimination Technique, is a natural therapy used to treat allergies of all types using acupuncture, acupressure, and applied kinesiology.
NAET was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, DC, LAc, PhD in 1983 and can be used safely on everyone including infants and children. Her son Dr. Roy Nambudripad, MD continues her legacy by maintaining an NAET practice in Los Angeles and training NAET practitioners globally.
NAET can minimize and/or eliminate adverse reactions to the following items:
Food, vitamins, herbs
Chemicals, toxins, perfumes
Medications, chemotherapy, vaccinations
Environmental allergens, smoke
Pathogens, bacteria, viruses
Physical sensitivities like heat, cold, dampness, and wind
And More...
Food allergies or sensitivities
Environmental allergies
Digestive complaints - bloating, gas, leaky gut, indigestion
Migraines and headaches
Vaccine reactions
Low immunity
Eczema, rashes, and acne
Autoimmune diseases
Allergies are the result of imbalances in the body and can be caused by one or more of the following factors:
Environmental toxins
Low immune system functioning
Physical and emotional stress or trauma
Malabsorption, digestive disorders, and leaky gut
Toxins produced in the body from infections, yeast, parasites, and heavy metals
Applied kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, is used first to diagnose the allergen(s). Then a systematic treatment procedure combining acupressure and acupuncture is given to reprogram the brain with a new message about the allergen. After each session, it is necessary to avoid the treated allergen(s) for 25 hours.
Before beginning treatment, it is highly recommended that each patient read Say Goodbye to Illness, by Dr. Devi Nambudripad. Each session involves the treatment of one allergen at a time. A person with mild to moderate allergies may require 20 treatments to desensitize 20 allergens. However, highly sensitive people may need up to 50 treatments.
Dana R. - She had insomnia when visiting places at high altitudes.
"Nicole, you miracle worker, you! Our high altitude treatment worked. I slept wonderfully every night at our cabin. If I woke up in the middle of the night, I’d go right back to sleep. I also found hiking and such easier at 7,000 feet than before. Thank you for making an amazing difference in my life."
Brookie B. - Her 5 year old son had behavior and attention span complaints.
"I am so thankful for this woman! It would take a book to cover the last 5 1/2 years of my son’s life and the struggles we faced with behavior issues. Since he started seeing Nicole, that book is now closed!!! He is a completely different child and it brings tears to my eyes to think of the magnitude of blessings she has been able to restore in our family! If you are having any issues, do not hesitate to get on her schedule!! We saw a turn around after the second visit...and he just keeps coming out of his shell daily!"
Patricia K. – Her 8 year old son had anaphylactic allergy to wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
“I’m writing you to tell you good news! Two weeks ago Lukas was playing at a friends house. Gustavo and I were there, too. Suddenly Lukas screamed saying that a wasp or yellow jacket stung him. Now you know my reaction Just because I didn’t bring his EpiPen neither Benadryl!!!! He had two spots: one on his arm and one on his bottom. We put ice and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait……n o t h i n g h a p p e n e d. It even didn’t get swollen! I was really impressed and even had doubts if it was a wasp. His friends’ dad went outside and found one yellow jacket nest. We were so happy, and Lukas is feeling so secure about himself, you need to see that! I’m still going to be very careful and carry his medicine everywhere, but it is such good news! Thanks for all you’ve done for him and this treatment!”
Elsa M. – Her 3 year old daughter had peanut anaphylaxis and signs of autism after the MMR vaccine.
“Helena is doing better than great. I seriously don’t understand what all is happening with these treatments but I feel like you have given me my kid back. She is “unlocked”. I can’t really describe it fully, all day yesterday she was hugging Jon and I (in a sweet way- not a clingy way) and then, Boom! Three word sentences. Her stool has continued to be solid too. I almost want to cry talking about it. Thanks so much Nicole. I want the whole world to know about you. I feel that you have the ability to positively affect so many lives. Whatever the outcome, I would like to help you in whatever way you see best. My heart aches for all of these parents that are just living with the uncertainty of a life-threatening reaction and worse, the day to day behaviors of their children that they believe are normal. Also, this morning she got up in my face in a sweet way and was looking at me saying “mommy”, “mommy” “mommy” and wanting me to kiss her face. She will sometimes let me kiss her but it is ALWAYS me approaching her. Subtle to some, but to me – Worth a million dollars. I thank God for leading us to you. Please continue helping as many children and parents as you can.”
Bren D. – She had a kidney disease and exhaustion.
“I came to Nicole with an undiagnosed kidney disease and an overall physical exhaustion. High levels of protein and microscopic levels of blood were “spilling” over from my kidneys and the only solution was to get a biopsy and treat the symptoms with high blood pressure medication. I was not willing to take Rx drugs regularly, and was desperate to find an alternative solution. It seemed that all the symptoms pointed out that my kidneys were working too hard. Western medicine recommended treating the symptoms through blood pressure medication, and in sever cases, chemotherapy. My curiosity ran deeper, and I wanted to treat the cause. I decided to investigate underlying allergies that could be causing inflammation. A friend recommended that I look into NAET, which then led me to Nicole. I was skeptical at first but after experiencing her treatments, I am so very thankful to have found her! During my treatment, we addressed a range of foods that my body was reacting to, in hopes that my body would stop working against itself. The treatments were quick, informative, and relaxing. My exhaustion began to fade and a month after I completed treatment with Nicole, I had blood work and a urinalysis performed. My results were AMAZING, with the level of protein being cut in half. I could not believe it – especially after such a short period of time! My medical doctor has since recommended that we monitor my kidney function instead of doing a biopsy and treating with Rx drugs. I am so pleased with these results, and so grateful to have found such a wonderful care provider in Nicole.”
Letter from School Program Director to Parents of Veritas Christian Academy in Asheville, NC encouraging parents to try NAET for Autism:
"Dear Parents, Mrs. Belknap [Head of School and patient of Nicole’s at the time] asked me to share an article with you concerning the results of a study on children with allergy-related autism through the use of NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques). Mrs. Belknap and her family have used NAET to successfully alleviate food and inhalant allergies. NAET was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983. It is a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities. The study concluded that through NAET treatments, children with autism showed a significant means decrease in their CARS rating (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) and highly significant improvements in the areas of speech, language, communication skills, and other autistic behaviors. The most marked improvements were seen in abdominal bloating, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger, autism, fatigue, joint pain and sinusitis. Even if your child does not show signs of allergies, it is worth your time to investigate the positive effects NAET techniques can have on autism."
Julia C. – Her 8 year old son had autism and ADHD.
“If you have read the study, you are probably thinking it sounds “crazy” or “too good to be true. If you haven’t read it yet, you will probably be thinking that too! We started using NAET treatments for our child with High Functioning Autism and ADHD 6 months ago. It has been an incredible journey and one that I would have never expected to result is so many positive changes. Looking back, I am certain this has been God’s plan for our child. He had us at the right school. I had read the study but not pursued treatments. Then I found out someone I respected at the school had successfully used NAET treatments for other allergy issues. We had somehow put more money in our Health Care Spending account than we would be able to use this past year. Knowing that our child had issues tolerating dairy, we decided to try the treatments. We thought that maybe it would decrease the effects when he unknowingly ate dairy. It turned out he had trouble tolerating a lot more than dairy. We had a plan to try 10 treatment sessions just to see if it worked. We certainly had doubts about starting NAET since we are trained in more traditional medicine ourselves.
The results were not obvious at first, but gradually he had the ability to eat foods that had bothered him with no reaction. We continued with the NAET treatments. Over the course of the past 6 months, he has successfully come off of ADHD medications, sleep medications, and now enjoys foods he previously had to avoid. The positive changes didn’t just end there. The best description I can think of is to say it’s like a fog has been lifted out of his brain. He is present and we have real conversations like never before. We have seen more consistent grades, varied interests, a desire to participate in activities that he had never been willing to try before, improved coordination and the list goes on. Christmas Holidays have always been a stressful time but not this year after NAET treatments. Our child used to spend most of the holiday season anxious about all the events and people he sees only once a year. This year he happily went into parties with no coaching and actually hugged some very surprised relatives. When asked about NAET treatments, I still start by saying “this is going to sound crazy” and even still have a hard time grasping how this could actually work. What I know is that it worked for our child.
The treatments themselves are easy for him as there are no needles or pain involved. The hardest part was avoiding the substance being treated for the 25 hour time period. It was important to follow the directions from the NAET provider, otherwise the treatments would likely not work. While I can’t say it will help all children with autism, we don’t regret trying NAET for a second!”
Follow up after the completion of NAET treatments:
“We just had George evaluated by a psychologist to see if he was still on the [autism] spectrum and to evaluate for any possible learning disorders. He spent 2 hours on 3 separate days and didn’t see any signs of him being on the spectrum! In fact he felt like it would be a waste to have parents/teachers fill out the evaluation forms for autism. He did have us and teacher fill out the ADHD forms and those came back as Normal too! He does have a motor processing delay which will allow him to have more time on tests, etc. We can’t thank you enough for helping George!”
Barbara K. – She had digestive complaints.
“I am so grateful for NAET and Nicole Peterson! Without this treatment, I really don’t know what would have happened to me! I had severe diarrhea from multiple food intolerances before the treatments and had lost much too much weight. (I weighed 105 lbs. and am 5’5”.) Now that I have completed the treatments, the diarrhea has stopped and I am regaining weight. This technique is truly amazing and I strongly recommend it to anyone suffering from food allergies/intolerances.”
Sara O. – She had dairy intolerance.
“I have suffered with lactose intolerance and intolerance to milk proteins for about 14 years before I knew what it was. After having two treatments of the NAET, I could eat dairy again without the rest of the day or two days being ruined with gastrointestinal problems! Twenty five hours after the last treatment I ate dairy and haven’t stopped yet! I really do feel like this has changed my life! I can enjoy food again!”
Aubrey A. – She had overall poor health after the birth of her third child.
“I started my NAET treatments with Nicole a little over a year ago. After the birth of my third child, my health never seemed normal. I started taking supplements such as Vitamin C, a Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin D, Calcium and started some herbs. This actually made me feel worse. I started experiencing flu like symptoms, body aches, low grade fever, pain on either side of my body, bladder irritation. I went to an acupuncturist in Florida who gave me some herbs for the flu. I started taking those and began experiencing heart palpitations, internal chills, diarrhea, brain fog, anxiety. I actually thought I was having a nervous break down.
I had ordered the NAET book after reading some of the info online about it. After reading just a few chapters I knew this might be what was wrong with me. I stopped all supplements and herbs. Within a week I saw a huge improvement. I would still have bad days and began to see a pattern with what I had eaten the day before. I always knew I was allergic to certain herbs and medications growing up but not really food. After beginning my treatments I felt worse at first, but gradually started to see an improvement. Sugar took multiple treatments and was the hardest for me to pass but once I did I no longer had cravings for sweets, for me that was HUGE. I had a range of symptoms during my treatments most described in the NAET companion book.
Some of the biggest improvements I saw were after passing Calcium, no more brain fog. Vitamin C was part of my bladder irritation and muscle aches. Hormones helped with my PMS. After being treated for viral mix I no longer got cold sores, and my overwhelming fatigue disappeared. This has been a truly amazing experience for me, and I know I would have spent 10s of thousands of dollars at a regular doctor and still not know what was wrong with me. Nicole is great because she teaches you how to treat yourself and that empowers a patient to continue their health care at home. I have had close to 20 treatments by Nicole and have treated myself for dozens of things that bother me. I have also had my son go through the basic treatments (7 total) and now my husband is doing the same. It has been a small investment that I know will save our family much money down the road. NAET has truly gave me my life back as well as helping me understand my body! I continue to treat myself and visit Nicole when I need extra help. I would recommend NAET 100%, without a second thought.”
Virginia D. – Her 2 year old daughter had chronic diarrhea.
“NAET has had amazing results for our 2-year old daughter. She has always had trouble digesting sugars which gave her chronic diarrhea. After treatment with Nicole, she can now eat and drink everything with no problems at all. Her immune system has also drastically improved. Before NAET, she would get sick every other week it seemed like, but now it is much less frequent. It has really been a life saver to us.”
Stephanie B. – She had numerous allergies including being allergic to her cat.
“Thanks to my daughter for researching and finding Nicole for me. What a blessing. As an NAET certified practitioner, Nicole first took a thorough medical history and explained the acupuncture treatments that she would be using to relieve me of many allergies. Some of the allergies I had were quite unusual, but Nicole was happy to find the right treatment. It is amazing to me how these procedures work so well. I will miss Nicole when I finally run out of allergies, but I’m thankful that I can now eat whatever I want and can now enjoy my cat without the itching and breathing difficulties.”
Kimberly H. – Her teenage son had several food allergies which caused him to have digestive problems including stomach discomfort and diarrhea.
"He continues to do really well, so we cannot thank you enough for your help in treating him. He is well into his senior year now and is doing well. We transferred him back to St Mary’s so he can graduate with his class and he’s doing great so far. Last year was such a pivotal year for him and you were a huge part of getting him well. Thank you!!!"
Chelsea B. - She had food allergies that included an egg allergy.
"I was nervous about trying egg! But I had a bit of hard-boiled last night, and it was just fine! Whoop whoop! Eggs are my new favorite food again."
Laurel W. - She had spring pollen allergies.
"Thank you Nicole! I feel lighter and happier today! Allergies are way less! It's amazing! So grateful to you. Really looking forward to my next visit."
Western medicine attributes allergies to an over-reactive immune system where an allergic person is highly sensitive to substances that are often harmless to the majority of individuals. The brain misinterprets the allergen as being a threat to the body’s well-being, and as a result various symptoms arise such as runny nose, sneezing, pain, fatigue, etc.
Western medicine tests for allergies using any of the following methods: Intra-dermal test, Patch test, Scratch test, RAST test, ELISA test. Western medical treatment involves drug therapy (antihistamines or steroids) to control allergic symptoms. This approach, however, does not always correct the underlying cause and can lead to long-term side effects.
NAET views allergies from a holistic perspective based mainly on Chinese medical theory, which defines an allergen as a substance that creates blockage in the functioning of the body. This blockage interferes with proper nervous system communication between the brain and body which eventually leads to an allergic response. In other words, there is an imbalance between the electromagnetic energy of the person and the allergen which then causes symptoms in the person’s body. Total health declines over time if a person’s body pathways are continually blocked due to the presence of allergies.
Once a person has been completely treated for a particular food or environmental allergen, it is no longer necessary to avoid it because of the body’s reprogramming. Until the discovery of NAET, complete avoidance of the allergen was the most effective treatment option which can be difficult and sometimes impossible.
Fox News – Jacob Teitelbaum, MD discusses New Autism Treatment
New Study Explores NAET as Possible Treatment for Autism - Jacob Teitelbaum, MD